
Name 名目 Price 价格
Seafood Dishes 海鲜
Steamed Scallops 蒸扇贝 €18.80
Stir Fried Scallops in Black Bean Sauce 黑豆酱炒扇贝 €16.80
Stir Fried Scallops in Garlic Sauce 蒜炒扇贝 €16.80
Stir Fried Scallops with Bamboo Shoots 竹笋炒扇贝 €16.80
Stir Fried Scallops with Broccoli 西兰花炒扇贝 €16.80
Mussels in Black Bean Sauce 黑豆酱贻贝 €12.80
Mussels with Ginger & Scallions 葱姜贻贝 €12.80
Squid in Oyster Sauce 蚝油鱿鱼 €12.50
Stir Fried Squid with Bamboo Shoot 笋炒鱿鱼 €12.50
Stir Fried Squid with Broccoli 西兰花炒鱿鱼 €12.50
Stir Fried Squid with Hot & Spicy Sauce 辣炒鱿鱼 €12.50
Steamed Seabass with Ginger & Scallions (Off Bone) 葱姜蒸鲈鱼 (去骨) €13.80
Braised Seabass in Soy Sauce (Off Bone) 红烧鲈鱼(去骨) €13.80
Deep Fired Seabass in Sweet & Sour Sauce (Off Bone)   松鼠鱼(去骨) €13.80
Seabass Szechuan Style (Off Bone) 四川鲈鱼(去骨) €13.80
Vegetarian Dishes 素食
Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables 混合蔬菜 €9.80
Stir Fried French Bean with Soy Sauce 炒四季豆 €9.80
Aubergine inSweet & Sour Sauce 酱茄子 €9.80
Deep Fried Aubergine with Soy Sauce 烧茄子 €9.80
Braised Japanese Tofu in Soy Sauce 红烧日本豆腐 €9.80
Braised Japanese Tofu in Soy Sauce 红烧日本豆腐 €9.80
Stir Fried Mushrooms 炒蘑菇 €9.80
Fried Tofu in Curry Sauce 咖喱豆腐 €9.80
Fried Spinach with garlic Sauce 蒜炒菠菜 €9.80
Fried Pak Choi with garlic Sauce (Or with Asia Mushroom in Oyster Sauce) 蒜炒小白菜 (或者蚝油蘑菇) €9.80
Fried Tofu in Kung Po Sauce 宫保豆腐 €9.80
Braised Tofu in Hot & Spicy Sauce 香辣水煮豆腐 €10.80
Soft Noodles Dishes 面食
King Prawn Laomein (Noodles with Soup) 大虾捞面 €12.80
Chicken Laomein (Noodles with Soup) 鸡肉捞面 €11.50
Beef Laomein (Noodles with Soup) 牛肉捞面 €11.50
Roast Duck Laomein (Noodles with Soup) 烤鸭捞面 €12.50
Mixed Vegetables Laomein (Noodles with Soup) 蔬菜捞面 €9.80
Seafood Chow Mein 海鲜炒面 €12.80
King Prawn Chow Mein 大虾炒面 €12.80
Sliced Roast Duck Chow Mein 烤鸭炒面 €12.50
Chicken Chow Mein 鸡肉炒面 €10.50
Beef Chow Mein 牛肉炒面 €10.50
Singapore Chow Mein 新加坡炒面 €11.80
Fried Rice Dishes 炒饭
Chicken Fried Rice 鸡肉炒饭 €10.50
Beef Fried Rice 牛肉炒饭 €10.50
King Prawn Fried Rice 大虾炒饭 €12.50
Sliced Duck Fried Rice 鸭肉炒饭 €12.50
Singapore Fried Rice 新加坡炒饭 €12.50
Yung Chow Fried Rice 扬州炒饭 €9.80
Side Portions 其他
Egg Fried Rice 蛋炒饭 €2.50
Fried Soft Rice 炒面 €3.50
Boiled Rice 米饭 €2.00
Chips 薯条 €2.00
Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables 炒混合蔬菜 €4.00
Stir Fried Irish Mushroom 炒爱尔兰菇 €4.00
Stir Fried Beansprouts 炒豆芽 €4.00
Stir Fried Broccoli in Oyster Sauce 蚝油西兰花 €4.00